Are you a provider or a consumer?

There are two types of people in the media complex, media providers and media consumers. While it’s gotten a whole hell of a lot easier to be both a provider and consumer thanks to social media, the overwhelming majority of us are still media consumers.

I’ll admit it, I’m a consumer. For every status update or tweet, I’m taking 100x more out of the system than putting back. For every article read vs written that number is probably closer to 1000x or 10000x. But I’m actively trying to improve (like right now!). I know I’ve been a glutton, allow me to explain.

Delivering quality content is time consuming. I want to do it but I just don’t have the time. My boss says, ‘excuses only satisfy those who make them’, but shit… he’s taking up all my time.

I’m a bond trader at an electronic broker/dealer in New York. My company is owned by a few major investment banks that highly regulate their public image and for that reason alone shall go nameless. Now the job is great and quickly using technology to transform the OTC fixed income marketplace. One of the few gripes I have is the limit put on my interests outside of Fabozzi related topics. My day is spent tightly regulating the flow of information when I’d rather be loosely regulating the flow of inspiration coming my way.

Besides a quick stint at the gym, I’m a big fan of, I spend my nights and weekends on a startup of my own, Hence the desire to get involved in the first place. Unfortunately I wasn’t warned when I started out,… this is hard work! Then again, I probably wasn’t listening to the negatives, which tends to happen when you’re passionate about a topic.

The point is, when I’m not squeezing out another hr in the day whether in the bond market or creating a market of my own, then I should be telling others about it. I’m not going to sit here and talk about why you should blog, or do anything else for that matter. There’s more than enough people out there using social media to push their own agenda (myself included)

But not here. This space is reserved for my own learning, my own categorizing of the things I see from the driver seat. It’s here for me and it’s here for anyone else interested my perspective.

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