Ding Ding…. Round 2

I started this blog a few months ago sparked by the motivation to get involved in the start up community but more importantly to reflect and categorize my thoughts as I enrolled in the greatest crash course ever created… starting a business (or at least attempting to).

I’ve been selfish… and I’m not surprised, it’s pretty typical behavior for me. In school I could sit there, listen, read a little, and understand a topic. Homework was never a strong point of my academic career. It was for those who didn’t get it, who needed the practice. Why waste my time going over stuff I already knew when there was so much out there I didn’t know. I probably spent more time trying to figure out how to get out of homework, a TA session, or going to class, than if I just followed the syllabus. But it didn’t matter… the only thing that mattered was the test and grade that followed. All those hours boiled down to 2 tests>1 grade>1 semester>1 degree. Nowadays it seems like the values of that test, grade, and even degree are diminishing with every year I get older.

No one cares where you went to school (or shouldn’t at least) and your GPA is a meaningless number to anyone worth an opinion. I shouldn’t say that, academic pedigree and performance are decent filters and indicators of general intelligence and competence. If you are in school, then test scores, clubs, and accomplishments are extremely important because it shows how you interact in your natural environment. Just like standardized tests, these aspects serve as a great basis for comparison. But it’s as much about ‘what you HAVE done’ as it is about ‘what you WILL do for me’.

So what’s the whole point of this tangent? There are no tests in the real world – save me the alpha dog, everything is a test bullshit. You’re barking up the wrong tree.

Now I like tests. It’s a method of intellectual validation that I’m generally pretty decent at. So you can imagine that in the class of entrepreneurism, without those structures of validation, I’m feeling a little at a loss in the ego department. So in the short term, I’m tending to this need with a blog. Hopefully it will serve its purpose in Round 2.

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Filed under internet biz, Startups

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